Dr. John O’Dwyer

Dr. John O'Dwyer

Dr. John O'Dwyer

Partner, BrightIron Consulting – CA, CPA


John is an organizational effectiveness expert, business coach, lecturer, speaker and writer. His professional career has spanned financial, HR, operational, and strategic management. He has held a variety of management positions including President & CEO, and has owned a number of businesses.

John is a partner with Strategic Advisory International, a management consulting firm that focuses on providing client organizations with the management process tools to enable them to transform winning strategies into genuine results. He helps Leaders bring together the critical elements for managing for results i.e., Strategies, People and Operations. He is a trusted advisor to a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 corporations to smaller entrepreneurial and high tech organizations.

John has a Ph.D (Ivey School of Business), MBA (Trinity College, Dublin), FCA (Fellow Chartered Accountant), CMC (Certified Management Consultant), ICD.C (Certified Board Director), & Coach and Mentor Certifications.